Abbreviation | Description |
AA | above ankle (there is a long stump) |
ABS | amniotic band syndrome |
ACA | Amputee Coalition of America |
AD | ankle disarticulation |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
Adherent Scar Tissue | tissue stuck down, usually to bone |
AE | above elbow amputation (there is a long stump) |
AK | above knee (there is a long stump) |
AW | above wrist (there is a long stump) |
BAA | bilateral above ankle (a long stump) |
BAA | bilateral above ankle (a long stump) |
BAK | bilateral above knee (a long stump) |
BAW | bilateral above wrist (a long stump) |
BBE | bilateral below elbow (a short stump) |
BBH | bilateral below hip (a short stump) |
BBK | bilateral below knee (a short stump) |
BBS | bilateral below shoulder (a short stump) |
BBW | bilateral below wrist (a short stump) |
BE | below elbow (there is a short stump) |
BED | bilateral elbow disarticulation |
BH | below hip (there is a short stump) |
Bilateral | a double amputee, both arms or both legs |
BK | below knee (there is a short stump) |
BKD | bilateral knee disarticulation |
BS | below shoulder (there is a short stump) |
BSD | bilateral shoulder disarticulation |
BW | below wrist (there is a short stump) |
BWD | bilateral wrist disarticulation |
Congenital | existing at birth |
Contralateral | opposite sides ie. a right arm and left leg |
Cosmesis | used to describe the outer, aesthetic covering of a prosthesis |
Disarticulation | an amputation through a joint commonly the hip, shoulder, knee, ankle, elbow or wrist |
Donning and Doffing | putting on and taking off a prosthesis |
ED | elbow disarticulation |
Endoskeletal Prosthesis | one built more like a human skeleton with support and components on the inside and a cosmetic cover on the outside |
Exoskeletal Prosthesis | prosthesis that is hollow on the inside with a hard outer surface to bear weight |
HD | hip disarticulation, the removal or absence of a leg at the hip. |
Hemipelvectomy | an amputation where approximately half of the pelvis is removed |
Ischial Tuberosity | the large sitting bone |
KD | knee disarticulation |
LAA | left above ankle (a long stump) |
LAA | left above ankle (a long stump) |
LAK | left above knee (a long stump) |
Lateral | to the side, away from the mid-line of the body |
LAW | left above wrist (a long stump) |
LBE | left below elbow (a short stump) |
LBH | left below hip (a short stump) |
LBK | left below knee (a short stump) |
LBS | left below shoulder (a short stump) |
LBW | left below wrist (a short stump) |
LED | left elbow disarticulation |
LKD | left knee disarticulation |
LSD | left shoulder disarticulation |
LWD | left wrist disarticulation |
Medial | toward the mid-line of the body |
Mentor | An adult who grew up as an amputee and now serves as a friend and advisor to parents of children with similar limb differences. Having grown up with many of the same issues and concerns, they now serve as role models for the younger generation |
Myoelectrics | literally muscle electronics. Technology used in prosthetic for upper-extremity amputees; used in hands and elbows to control the prosthesis via muscle contraction using electrical signals from the muscles to the prosthesis. |
Neuroma | the end of a nerve left after amputation. The nerve will continue to grow in a circular pattern and can be troublesome, especially when trapped in scar tissue. |
Partial foot | an amputation on the front part of the foot |
PFFD | Proximal Femoral Focus Deficiency |
Posterior | the back side of the body |
Prepatory Prosthesis | The stage between temporary and permanent prosthesis, using transparent diagnostic test socket and special fitting techniques to accurately fit the prosthesis so problems can be eliminated before it is cloned for the permanent prosthesis. |
Prosthesis | an artificial body part, in cases of an amputee, an arm or leg. |
Prosthetics | the systematic pursuit of providing cosmetic and/or functional restoration of missing human parts |
Prosthetist | a person involved in the science and art of prosthetics; one who designs and fits artificial limbs |
Pylon | often what is referred to as a pole in a temporary leg prosthesis; the weight bearing support shaft in an endoskeletal prosthesis |
RAA | right above ankle (a long stump) |
RAK | right above knee (a long stump) |
Ramus | the middle portion of the pubic bone, in the crotch area |
RAW | right above wrist (a long stump) |
RBE | right below elbow (a short stump) |
RBH | right below hip (a short stump) |
RBK | right below knee (a short stump) |
RBS | right below shoulder (a short stump) |
RBW | right below wrist (a short stump) |
RED | right elbow disarticulation |
Residual limb | a term commonly, but incorrectly, used to refer to the stump |
RKD | right knee disarticulation |
RSD | right shoulder disarticulation |
RWD | right wrist disarticulation |
SD | shoulder disarticulation |
Shrinker | a prosthetic reducer made of elastic material and designed to help control swelling of the stump |
Stump | remaining portion of a limb after amputation |
Supercondular Suspension | a method of holding on a prosthesis by clamping above a joint |
Symes | An amputation through the ankle joint that retains the fatty heel pad portion |
Temporary Prosthesis | a prosthesis made soon after an amputation as an inexpensive way to help retrain a person to walk and balance while shrinking the residual limb |
WD | wrist disarticulation |
Showing 1 to 87 of 87 entries